Volunteer Onboarding
Welcome to WeVote!
We’re a dynamic and impactful nonprofit organization dedicated to reshaping the future of voting and civic engagement. As a volunteer, you are joining a passionate community committed to making a difference in the world of democracy.
This is your first step into learning about WeVote and how you can fit in.
What is WeVote?
Take a few minutes to read over our Volunteer Handbook, or watch a 12 min video about WeVote. Learn what our Core Values are.
What tools will you use?
We are an open source project. We primary use Google Workspace for documenting, calendars, meetings, etc. We also use Slack for team communication and one on one collaboration.
Intro video to Google Workspace Apps
Intro video to Slack and Slack Guides
More at Tools
Take a look at the different teams we have to meet your talents.
Take the steps to become a WeVote volunteer.
Click on the link below to apply for a team you would like to be part of:
Here is a list of current positions needed: https://wevote.applytojob.com/apply
Or if you're not sure where you want to help, here is a general volunteering opportunity: General Volunteering Opportunities
You will be contacted about your experience and interest
There will be a preliminary interview to get to know you
You will be sent a link to learn a bit more about WeVote
A team leader from your chosen team will contact you to help you get set up
Attend your first team meeting and start collaborating!
Follow us on any of these platforms: